Singleton Pattern Learning

Posted by Yan on February 17, 2015

Singleton pattern is to have only one instance for a class. One of the most important reason to use singleton pattern is to save memory. For example, in a system there should be only one window manager. Singletons is good at providing a centralized management system for internal or external resources.


The class can create no more than one instace. All the programs want to access the instance will use the same reference.


  • No more than one instance should be created globally,
  • Provide a global access point.


singleton img



	public class Singleton
		private static Singleton instance;

		private Singleton(){}

		 // synchronized keyword is important since 
		 // it can help avoid multiple threads create different instance at same time
		public static synchronized Singleton getInstance()
			if(instance = null)
				instance = new Singleton();
			return instance;

The implementations above in Java should be robust for any situtation. However, synnchronize a function is expensive.


example from stackoverflow

	package singleton

	import "sync"

	type singleton struct {}

	var instance *singleton
	var once sync.Once

	func New() *singleton {
		if instantiated == nil {
			once.Do(func() {		
				instantiated = new(single)		
		return instantiated

The above code is an implementation of Singleton Pattern in Go. However, since Go is not a class-based OO language, most of the classic OO design patterns are awkward to translate into Go. Therefore, Singleton pattern is less useful for Go compared with Java.