Gradle Basics

Posted by Yan on November 27, 2016

Gradle Fundamentals


XML build Script:

  • hard to read
  • difficult to maintain


  • many conventions
  • highly extendable
  • hard to read
  • could be difficult to maintain

Gradle Build

  • Gradle has build file
    • Typically build.gradle
  • This contains tasks (task based)
    • plugins
    • dependencies
    • mostly tasks



task hello {
    doLast {
        println Hello, Gradle

Introduction to the Gradle Wrapper


task wrapper (type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = 2.6

Now can run gradlew build

  • download the gradle
  • then build

Writing Simple Tasks


  • code that grade executes
    • has a lifecycle
    • has properties
    • has ‘actions’ (code to be execute)
    • has dependencies

E.g. (in groovy)

  • project is the top level object

task Task3

task Task4

Task4.description = Task 4 Description

Running a Task

— gradle Task4


Task4.doLast {
    println This is task 4


Task3 << {println This is task 3}


Task task 5 << {println this is task 5}

task5 << {println Another closure}  // if we save this and when we run gradle build, could replace the first one, or append to the last one

// some execution phases
task task6 {
    description this is task 6
    doLast {
        println this is task 6

Build Phases

  1. initialisation phases: used to configure multi projects builds
  2. Configuration Phase: executes code in the task that’s not the action e.g. .. description “some thing”…
  3. Excution Phase: doLast, doFirst

Task Dependencies


Task6.dependsOn Task5 // when we run task6, we will see Task5 run first.

Setting properties on Tasks


def projectVersion = 2.0 // local variable, only available to the build.gradle

project.ext.projectVersion = 2.0 // global variable to all the projects

// or 

ext.projectVersion = 2.0

Task Dependencies

  • understand how tasks can be linked

Using mustRunAfter and shouldRunAfter

  • mustRunAfter
    • if two tasks execute on must run after the other
  • shouldRUnAfter
    • if two tasks execute one should run after the other
    • this ignores circular dependencies
  • finalised by (incubating in 2.6)
    • inverted dependency

Introduction to Typed Tasks

  • suppose we want something more complex
    • can be reuse the task code
  • e.g. copying files
    • Open file/ read file/ write file
  • e.g. Zipping files
  • would like this to be reused

Using the Copy task

copying some images:


def contentSpec = cpySpec {
    exclude IMG_52.jpg
    from src

task copyImages2 (type: Copy) {
    // with contentSpec
    exclude { } // write groovy code to configure the task
    into  dest

task copyImages (type: Copy) {
    exclude IMG_0052.jpg
    from src
    into  dest

task copyConfig (type: Copy) {
    include web.xml
    from src
    into  config
expand {
    [resourceRefName: hsbc 1.0]

integral to Java Plugin


  • a source set
  • task to compile the test
  • task to run the test

Source Set

  • Looks for unit tests in src/test/java
  • Outputs to build/classes/test
  • Reports to build/reports/test


  • Can filter to only run a subset of tests
    • Single test
    • All tests from a package
    • Wildcard is supported e.g.
test {
    filter {
        includeTestsMatching *shouldCreateASession

Other Testing

  • Integration tests for example
  • add the cradle-testsets-plugin
    • add a testSet
    • set other configurations parameters
    • set output reports directory


  • add dependencies for build script not for tasks


  • apply all the content to all the projects when built


  • provides a specific version of Gradle to the project
    • get consistent builds
    • gradlew.bat on Windows
    • cradle shell script on *unix
  • Standard task
    • always available


task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
    gradleVersion = 2.6

Running the Wrapper

  • run the specific gradle
  • if not installed will download and install specific gradle